Civils enablement works for the Cape Town station development

Civils enablement works for the Cape Town station development

Following a successful application by Prasa for rezoning the 3.5 ha forecourt area of the Cape Town Station from a transport zone to general business, a consortium of developers comprising ERIS Property Group, Accessio and Emira Property Fund was selected to partner with Prasa, Prasa Cres and Intersite for the development which will provide 27,000 m2 of office space, 17,866 m2 of retail space, 175 parking bays, and a 120-room hotel complex on a part of the forecourt of the public transport exchange area.

Client: Keller (for Prasa & the Cape Town Station Dev. Consortium)
Completed: March 2022
Engineer: Nako Iliso (Civils)

Overview of the Project

Following a successful application by Prasa for rezoning the 3.5 ha forecourt area of the Cape Town Station from a transport zone to general business, a consortium of developers comprising ERIS Property Group, Accessio and Emira Property Fund was selected to partner with Prasa, Prasa Cres and Intersite for the development which will provide 27,000 m2 of office space, 17,866 m2 of retail space, 175 parking bays, and a 120-room hotel complex on a part of the forecourt of the public transport exchange area.

Scope of Work

Civils 2000 worked with Keller on the civils enabling works and were responsible for the construction of a 49m long stormwater culvert diversion from Adderley Street to Old Marine Drive, laying new sewer and stormwater pipelines and minor structures work in the Old Airways Building.
Demolition work was well along when Civils 2000 established on site and continued while Civils 2000 and Keller began their work. With as many as eight large excavators involved in demolition in different parts of the site, crusher plants crushing the rubble, several Keller pile rigs drilling/driving piles, deliveries of concrete, reinforcing steel, pipes and other materials, and the relatively small site, careful planning and coordination was required while undertaking the trenching and laying of the sewer and stormwater pipes and excavating for the new culvert diversion. The footprint for the culvert required a 7m wide excavation up to 3m deep. With all of these factors a great emphasis was put on good communication on site and ensuring safety.
During the construction of the new culvert alignment the existing stormwater culvert had to remain in operation. The new culvert was constructed as two cast in situ reinforced concrete box culverts, each 1.8m wide and 1.6m high and separated by a 250mm thick dividing wall.
As was expected, there were a significant number of existing services requiring protection and diversion. In addition, there were a number of old trees and a large Ficus tree very close to the culvert alignment had to remain undamaged. Civils 2000 excavated along the new alignment and Keller stepped in and retained the earth around the tree with piles and gunite facing. Civils 2000 then cast the foundations and walls for the main channel. When the team were ready, the existing flow was diverted into the new channels and the upstream and downstream sections of the culvert constructed and the diversions removed. To complete the culvert, 50 precast roof slabs were installed and manholes constructed at each end to provide access.
While the culvert and pipework progressed Civils 2000 also cast 5 pile caps and constructed 8 columns and a reinforced concrete beam at the airways building to facilitate upgrading and refurbishment works for the building contractor. This was a very high profile project and Civils 2000 performed well, being appointed to undertake further civils works

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